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What is a POS terminal? Types of POS.


What is a Point of Sale Terminal (POS)?


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Point of Sale Terminal(POS) is a physical or virtual device used to charge debit or credit cards. Point-of-sale terminals are issued and controlled by banks with the approval of an acquiring bank authorized by the Vista, MasterCard, Amex, JCB and Diners Club card brands.

POS terminals can be classified into 2 types:

Physical Point of sale terminal

This type of face-to-face payment terminals are also called PIN Pads and are usually used in stores, restaurants and other businesses that have a physical location. 

POS terminal

Virtual Point of sale terminal

Virtual POS is a terminal for non-face, virtual payments. As its own name says, these terminals are used to accept online payments through a payment gateway.

Virtual POS for credit cards

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