The password must have between 8 and 15 characters with the following requirements
- Minimum one number (0-9)
- Minimum lowercase letter (a-z)
- Minimum one uppercase letter (A-Z)
- Minimum one special character "#?!@$%^&*-+<=>"
- Example password 99azTR?!@
Pre-Approval Form MID
Fill out the Pre-Apprival form as accurate as possible to help our IPSP understand your business and open your payment terminal as soon as possible. If you have doubts about the terminal to choose you can clarify your doubts in the following links:
Dear Davron,
Thank you for getting in touch with our company. In order to provide you with a terminal we need to know the following information:
1. Purpose of use of Offline and Online POS terminal (product or service that you will be selling).
2. Nationality of shareholders of the company.
3. Originas of incoming and outgoing payments.
4. Estimated amounts you are planning to process monthly.
5. Country where the bank account is opened.
Please contact us vía e-mail with all this information.
Dear Grace,
The offline POS terminals that we offer are only configured for accepting payments within European countries. However, we are constantly working on finding new providers and companies to collaborate and if one day we start offering the service you are looking for, one of our agents will get in touch with you.
Dear Daniel,
Thank you forgetting in touch with our company. First of all to mention, that it is completely illegal to transfer the funds of third parties through your account. You can get in trouble and the bank might require the information about the origin of funds and once you say that these are not yours, your account will be closed. Anyways, you can also contact local German layer to see if there are other more legal options that your business partners can use.
Would like to buy the offline pos or pin pad What is the requirement
Dear Okoroji,
For this service please contact us via e-mail with the following information:
1. The service/ product you are selling.
2. Channel of sales.
3. Countries of sales.
4. Average ticket of sale.
Once we have this information, our team will be able to make you an offer.
Dear Igor,
Thank you for reaching our company for information. In order to sell your products around the world and to accept debit and credit card payments you need a website and payment gateway connected to it. This is the fastest and the easiest way to sell globally. In order for us to provide you with payment gateway services we need you to contact us via e-mail, WhatsApp or Skype with the following information:
1. Description of the products that you are going to sell through offline terminal?
2. What is an average amount of monthly sales?
3. What is your nationality?
4. Where will the payments be made (country and origin of potential clients)?
5. Amount of an average ticket.
You can also fill in the Pre-approval form that you can find on the right side of your screen. Once we receive this information we will be able to provide you with a payment gateway.
The offline POS terminal is considered a very high risk product and it is very difficult to obtain it.
In order to help you, we need to know the following:
1. What are you going to sell through offline terminal?
2. What is an average of monthly sales?
3. What is your the nationality?
4. Where will the payments be made (country and origin of potential clients)?
5. Will the sales be in the name of a company or individual?
Take into account that if we see that your activity is considered high risk and we cannot offer offline PinPad to you, we would recommend hiring a high risk virtual online POS. Regards
Dear Gennaro, The range of the activities that you have mentioned is very wide and you might be asked to register at least two companies, one for financial consulting and another one for mining.
For offline POS terminal the bank will ask you for a website that he will analyze and also a short description of geographical territories and potential clients that you will will be charging with it. Also you will be asked to complete a process of KYC.
If you have any further questions, please contact us via email or Skype (the information can be found on home page of our website). Regards
Dear Vitale, in order to provide you with a payment gateway (POS terminal), company formation and bank account to collect the payments we will need you to provide us with the following information: the website of your business, nationality of shareholders and short description of the commercial activity and potential countries of sales. You can contact us with this information via our contact us form or Skype.