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Blog category: "Internet scams"

Directive PSD2

PSD2 regulation: How will it affect E-Commerce?

Nothing will be as before in the world of online payments. The arrival of the new PSD2 regulations will convert e-commerce into agile and secure environment. Both buyers and owners of online stores will have to adapt to the new rules of the game. The change will be easier for users and a little more "traumatic" for some businesses. What is the PSD2 EU Directive and how will it affect transactions? Discover how will change the process of selling and online purchasing in the near future.

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Fake credit card

Fake credit cards: learn the ways they can be used.

Nowadays you need to always have your credit card at hand to perform all kinds of online operations. Performing operations across different platforms is a normalized gesture in our routines. Even so, we should never neglect the security of our personal and financial information and give it anywhere. Remember, it should be provided only to trusted sites and when necessary. If you are not interested in providing your actual card number, one option is to generate a fake credit card. How can you do it and in what cases? Let's try to clear up doubts.

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Qu'est-ce qu'un portail de paiement ?

Quels sont les types de plateformes de paiement en ligne ?

Les meilleures méthodes de paiement en ligne

Qu'est-ce que Pin Pad et pourquoi en avez-vous besoin pour votre entreprise ?

Réglementation PSD2 : Comment affectera-t-elle le commerce électronique ?

Quels sont les modes de paiement internationaux les plus utilisés sur Internet ?

Qu'est-ce qu'une passerelle de paiement ? Comment ça marche ?

Qu'est-ce qu'un point de vente virtuel traditionnel pour les sites Web ?

Modes de paiement

Site Web de la passerelle de paiement

Paiement MOTO

Paiement récurrent

Comptes bancaires

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