The password must have between 8 and 15 characters with the following requirements
- Minimum one number (0-9)
- Minimum lowercase letter (a-z)
- Minimum one uppercase letter (A-Z)
- Minimum one special character "#?!@$%^&*-+<=>"
- Example password 99azTR?!@
Pre-Approval Form MID
Fill out the Pre-Apprival form as accurate as possible to help our IPSP understand your business and open your payment terminal as soon as possible. If you have doubts about the terminal to choose you can clarify your doubts in the following links:
Dear client. Our company can provide you with Moto solutions for your online sales. However, before we can offer you the most economic payment processing fees we will need to know the nature of your business to evaluate the level of risk. Also you will have to present a website or another proof of the channel of sales that you will be using. After we receive this information our team will be able to prepare for you an offer that will suit the needs of your business. For this purpose, we are kindly asking you to contact us via e-mail or Skype.