The password must have between 8 and 15 characters with the following requirements
- Minimum one number (0-9)
- Minimum lowercase letter (a-z)
- Minimum one uppercase letter (A-Z)
- Minimum one special character "#?!@$%^&*-+<=>"
- Example password 99azTR?!@
Pre-Approval Form MID
Fill out the Pre-Apprival form as accurate as possible to help our IPSP understand your business and open your payment terminal as soon as possible. If you have doubts about the terminal to choose you can clarify your doubts in the following links:
Dear Erkan.
In order for us to provide you with payment gateway services we need you to contact us via e-mail, WhatsApp or Skype with the following information:
1. Link to your finished website from which you will be selling your services.
2. Description of the products that you are going to sell through the terminal?
3. What is an average amount of monthly sales?
4. Country and origin of incoming payments.
5. Amount of an average ticket.
Also, you can fill in the Pre-approval form that you can find on the right side of your screen. Once we receive this information we will be able to provide you with a payment gateway. Regards
we want payment gateway
Dear client,
Thank you for reaching out our company for information. In order to sell your products or services around the world and to accept debit and credit card payments you need a website and payment gateway connected to it.
In order for us to provide you with payment gateway services we need you to contact us via e-mail, WhatsApp or Skype with the following information:
1. Description of the products that you are going to sell through the terminal?
2. What is an average amount of monthly sales?
3. What is your nationality?
4. Where will the payments be made (country and origin of potential clients)?
5. Amount of an average ticket.
6. Country of registration of your company and bank account.
You can also fill in the Pre-approval form that you can find on the right side of your screen.
Once we receive this information we will be able to provide you with a payment gateway.