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Why am I getting "Transaction Cancelled" status?


Why am I getting "Transaction Cancelled" status? What does it mean?


Transaction canceled is a status of the operation performed by the merchant's customer. In general there are several reasons why a transaction made by the customer ends up canceled or rejected. When accepting credit card payment, each bank involved in the process follows its protocols and rules that automatically detect if a transaction can be accepted or canceled.

In the list of transactions, presented in our payment gateway, the user, approaching the cursor of the mouse to the status of the transaction, can see the code and the interpretation of the error that may have occurred when charging the customer. 

Some of the reasons why a transaction may be canceled is: there are not enough funds, the wrong PIN code or the issuing bank has rejected the transaction because it cannot authenticate the cardholder. The latter can happen when the card is used without the owner's knowledge or has been appropriated against his will by third parties and used in fraudulent transactions. Whatever the reason for which transaction has been Canceled or rejected is, our user can decide whether or not to contact his client to communicate the reasons of the problem.

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