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What is a Virtual POS terminal for Zen Cart?


POS Terminal for Zen Cart. POS modules for Zen Cart.


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When starting a new E-Commerce project created in Zen Cart that involves accepting online payments it is essential to know what exactly a Virtual POS for Zen Cart is and thus offer the best payment solutions to your customers. 

It is been several years already since e-Commerce sector is in a constant growth being the most profitable type of businesses online. By simply offering the possibility to make purchases from the comfort of home without having the need to suffer unwanted queues, this type of commercial activity is increasingly booming.

However, before starting an eCommerce project, you need to think about at least two fundamental aspects:

  • The platform where you are going to install your business
  • The payment method you are going to use

Choosing a good platform to host your business is essential because, among other things, it facilitates the tasks for both you and your clients. One of the best platforms to create a competitive eCommerce project, without a doubt, is Zen Cart.

Another very important factor is a right choice of a payment method. If you want a good economic performance for your business, it is your obligation to facilitate your clients with sophisticated and safe way to pay in your online store. Otherwise, they will just purchase from another website that offers better payment options. 

Therefore, in this article we would like to go deeper and analyze Virtual POS Terminals for Zen Cart, one of the most commonly used CMSs for online stores. But first of all, let's start from the beginning.

What is a Virtual POS terminal for Zen Cart?

The Virtual POS terminal, also known as Virtual Point of Sale Terminal, is an online alternative to a traditional way of paying with a PIN Pad. We are all used to see these little PIN Pad machines used to accept credit card payments in stores or restaurants. Just by swiping up our cards we send all the necessary information to an issuing bank that, in its turn, just in couple of seconds, sends back a message authorizing the purchase. 

Well, if you think of a virtual POS terminal, the payment process is exactly the same, the only difference is the way your clients introduce their credit card information. The level of security is the same or even higher, depending on the protocols the payment gateway uses, as of traditional way of making the payments. So, in case of implementing a Virtual POS terminal for your Zen Cart online store the volume of sales will increase since your clients will not only be able to pay through wire transfer, but also with their credit cards. 

Advantages of Virtual POS Terminal for Zen Cart online store

Although you already know what exactly a Virtual POS terminal is about, we have prepared for you a list of advantages that this payment method can have for your online business.  

  • Online transactions are safe and secure
  • Credit card pre-authorizations can be made 
  • Customers can pay with all types of debit and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Amex, Diners Club etc)
  • Your E-commerce online store will look more professional, give more confidence and its online reputation will increase. 
  • You can reduce the number of steps in purchase purchase process

How to install POS module for Zen Cart?Virtua POS Zen Cart

Each platform has its peculiarities when installing a Virtual POS and Zen Cart is not an exception. In case of this CMS you will need to download a payment module and install it in your online store. TPVVirtual offers its clients personalized modules, created by our IT team, that will allow you to accept credit card payments. 

Our Zen Cart payment modules are focused on low and high risk-based businesses, making you not have any type of contingencies with your bank. This is a fairly important fact, considering that when you request a Virtual POS Terminal with a bank, it might take even month for it to approve it. Another option is to request it from us and start using it from today. 

High risk and low risk Zen Cart modules

High risk virtual POS module for Zen Cart

High risk virtual POS module is created for those businesses whose commercial activity involves high risk of fraud or are negatively perceived by society. Examples of these e-commerce would tarot, bingo, betting websites, multilevel marketing, investing companies etc. Having the module for high risk business is completely legal and will allow you to receive payments without causing a problem for your bank. If your business is considered as high risk, without a doubt, this is your ideal virtual POS module.

Low risk virtual POS module for Zen Cart

If you do not want to waste your time waiting for your bank to approve a virtual Point of Sale Terminal for your online business, our virtual low risk POS module is what you are looking for.

Our POS module for payment gateway works with 3D Secure protocol, which consists of validating the transaction using the PIN code of the customer's card. This feature allows to decrease the possibility of fraud almost to zero. The only inconvenience of using a 3D secure payment gateway is an additional step during the purchase process. Our low risk virtual POS module is ideal for all types of businesses that are not considered high risk.

If you still have doubts about the Virtual POS Terminal for Zen Cart or do not know what type of Point of Sale Terminal you need, you can contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

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